intelligence n. 1.智力,智慧,才智,聪明。 2.通知,消息。 3.情报,谍报,情报机构。 4.(导引)信息,(瞄准)信号。 5.【宗教】 〔常pl.〕神,天使。 intelligence quotient 智商,智力商数〔略作 I.Q.心理学家进行智力测验的术语〕。 an intelligence test 智力测验。 exchange a look of intelligence 递眼色。 give intelligence of 通知。 receive intelligence of 接到通知。 intelligence agent 情报员。 intelligence bureau [department] 情报局,情报处。 intelligence centre 情报所,情报中心。 intelligence data 情报资料。 intelligence office 情报处[局];〔美国〕职业介绍所。 intelligence officer 情报官员。 communications intelligence 【军事】电信侦察。 current intelligence 【军事】动态情报。 the Supreme I- 上帝。
Hallmarks of our individual solutions are increasingly product integration , electronic intelligence and multifunctionality 我们独立解决方案的特点是产品日益综合化,多功能化,电子智能化。
Compactness and multifunctionality through the integration of electronic intelligence are the main development focus of tecsis temperature measuring equipment Tecsis温度测量设备的开发焦点集中于通过集成电子智能实现更紧凑和多功能化的设计。
In carefully choreographed moves , drones were used to spy on the syrian defences , fool their radars and gather the electronic intelligence needed to destroy them 在精心编制的军事行动中,无人驾驶的飞机是用于对叙利亚防御系统的侦察、扰乱叙利亚的雷达以及收集能摧毁他们所需的电子情报。
Hangzhou hing kwok - ting electronic intelligence engineering limited , established in 1995 , the company has more acoustic experts , rich experience in the construction works , long in the field of architectural acoustics and audio video systems design optimization 杭州兴鼎电子智能化工程有限公司,创建于1995年,公司拥有多名声学专家,有着丰富的工程施工经验,尤其擅长于建筑声学的设计及音视频系统的优化处理。
The hotel features 241 rooms and suites , with broadband internet service free of charge , all of which are well designed , beautifully appointed , and fully furnished . from 20th to 23rd are executive floors built with electronic intelligence for distinguished business guests . there is also an exclusive floor in wenzhou , guomao ladies floor , specially furnished for elegant ladies 拥有风情迥异的各式豪华客房241间,格调舒适优雅,设施完备全,已全部实现宽频lan上网, 24小时可免费享受高速飙网, 20 - 23层为电子智慧化商务楼层,其中特设女宾楼层,属温州酒店业首推,深受女士们的喜爱。